Thursday, March 11, 2010

Citra Diplomat Indonesia

dikutip dari koran singapur : TODAY

Meetings skipped because of bad English

05:55 AM Feb 19, 2010JAKARTA - Some Indonesian envoys based in embassies abroad are so weak in English language skills that they take sick leave to avoid meeting foreign officials, a senior Indonesian official said.

Mr Imron Cotan, the No 2 Foreign Ministry official, told a parliamentary committee that the problem lies not with his own diplomats, but with attachés sent to embassies by other ministries including defence, trade and finance.

"I found that a number of our attaches are not fluent in English," The Jakarta Post newspaper reported Mr Cotan telling the committee investigating the performance of Indonesian diplomats.

"Every time their counterparts from the home government want to meet them, they freak out and seek ways to avoid the meetings," he added.

Sick leave was the favourite excuse for missing such meetings, Mr Cotan said. He did not give an estimate of how many attachés had substandard English.

Mr Cotan - who has represented Indonesia in New York, Geneva and Australia - suggested that all attaché candidates pass a written test in English.

Most Indonesians speak Bahasa Indonesia, the official language in a country that also has hundreds of other dialects. Though English is a compulsory part of the public school curriculum, most Indonesians are not proficient in it.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Teuku Faizahsyah declined to identify which of the 119 embassies had been affected by the language deficiencies. He said his ministry was not responsible for the language skills of attachés sent by other departments. AP

adoooouuhhhh,.....pijimane nihhhh?


  1. huahahaha malu2in ya.. masa sick leave... haha

  2. wakakak... masa ini dimasukin koran singapur sih... malunyaaaaa :P

  3. Masih inget deh jamannya kata2 berbahasa Inggris kudu di Indonesiakan. Kalau mo jadi neg maju mah, rakyatnya kudu bisa Inggris dong. Kudu belajar dari pemerintah S'pore, Bahasa Inggris dijaiin bahasa Nasional (walaupun jd Singlish) tp at least rakyatnya ngerti Inggris kan.

  4. mbo bek...aku juga gak bisa bhs inggris........ jadi mending ijin sakit aja..hehehee...

  5. wow... that's embarrassing!

  6. emang malu2in , payah deh .. mustinya yg level diplomat yah must fluent oral and written english .
    gmn sih seleksinya , g aja de yg seleksi ha222

  7. kok kek pitshu yah ?! hahahaha... rencana na, kalo boss hk dateng lagi, g mo enggak masuk alesan sakit nich hahahaha ^^
